Teletubbies Theory

The Teletubbies is just an annoying but innocent show aimed at toddlers,
right? Wrong. This is the true story of how the show teletubbies came
into being. Read at own risk I wont be responsible if this ruins your
childhood memories of the show.
The Teletubbies is actually based of an institute for the mentally
disabled in Bulgaria. The real name of this place is unknown, but it was
nicknamed 'LaLa Land'. There, the children were locked away in cold,
dark empty rooms with no stimulation. They'd rock endlessly back and
forth,  and the only time they'd ever be looked after was once a day by
the cruel carers, who often beat them and 'forgot' to feed them.
The teletubbies are based of a group of children who all died in the
same day there in horrific circumstances.
One of the children there was Lala, her name meant tulip. She had a face
deformity, that made her face look stretched and permanently in the
shape of a smile, that usually wouldn't make much difference, she could
of acted like a normal child. But after being locked in a cold damp
room, isolated for all five years of her life, her mind had completely
gone. She'd dance around her room to no music, she couldn't speak a word
of Bulgarian, but was always muttering away in strange gibberish. She
spent her entire life locked inside a room, her skin turned a sickly
yellow colour from lack of sunlight, but she she was always smiling.
Smiling widely even when she was abused, even when her supposed carers
broke her legs so she couldn't dance anymore, even when they kept her
tied up to her bed, she would just smile and mumble.
This girl, was obviously the inspiration for Laa-Laa.
Another one of the children was Towotei, a small boy who was
only seven during the time of the 'incident'. He, like the others would
spend endless days rocking back and forth, mumbling gibberish. His only
crime was being deaf and having the same facial deformity as Lala
forcing his mouth into a constant smile, and so he was locked up in the
institute all his life. He was a troublesome child and would often whack
his head against the wall so hard the stone would chip of. Because of
that the carers would often lock him outside, tied to the fences. He was
left out there so often that he got frostbite, his limbs turned
permanently blue from the ice he was forced to endure, it was a miracle
he survived as long as he did. But he and Lala had something in common-
both of them smiled all the time, even when he was half froze to death
he would smile, even when the carers smashed his teeth out one by one
with a metal pole because he bit them he kept smiling. Always smiling.
I believe this poor, wretched, unfortunate soul is what Tinky winky is
based of.
Next was Donka, he was deformed at birth, just like the
other too, and he was also unable to speak because he was simply never
taught. He was only six, and was a sickly child. He spent his life
half-starved, because he'd almost always throw up the food that was
given to him. Because he was so weak, he could hardly walk. He'd spend
days, face-down in his own vomit to ill to move away. The people at the
institute never bothered to call a doctor to find out what was wrong
with him,  Donka was always sick- that was too expensive! So the poor
boy spent miserable years half-starved, throat and stomach burning from
the amount of times he'd thrown up, while lying in a room that
permanently reeked of sick. Donka, was the inspiration for Dipsy.
Finally, there was Polina, the youngest of the four, and
her story is possibly the most tragic. At three years old, she'd spent
her entire like locked away in the institute, the moment she was born,
her parents were horrified by her shocking facial deformation- that
creepy smile that adorned her face is what dammed her to a life of pain.
One day in a particularity cold winter, Polina made the simple mistake
of falling asleep near the logs for the fire. That night, the drunken
carers threw her onto the fire, not even noticing that she was a
toddler, not a lump of wood. She awoke to the searing feeling of flames,
the rancid smell of burning flesh filled the air, her skin was melting
of her bones. She screamed for help and the carers pulled her out but
the damage was done. It was a miracle she survived without any medical
attention, but from then on her skin was burned a raw-red colour. But
still she smiled. The Teletubbie Po is based of Polina.
If you found the first part of the story
upsetting or disturbing, I strongly recommend you stop reading now,
because this is the part of the story were we find out just why exactly
they were called the Teletubbies.  You see, in this bleak, dark and
hopeless existence there was something that the children liked- not just
like, obsessed over, it was their life! their only source of comfort!
the only thing that they deemed worth living for! This thing was the
Television, or rather Televisions that constantly played throughout the
institute as a way to keep the attention of the disabled, and deformed
children that lived within the stone walls. But one day, the four
children overheard the  Orphanage Director talking, and they heard
something that struck the fear of God into them.
"The electricity for the televisions is getting to expensive, get rid of
them." The director said, completely unaware that the smiling children
looking at her could in fact understand what she was saying, despite
never being taught to speak themselves.
The children looked at each other, panic flashing
in each of their eyes. Despite their smiles they were terrified. What
would they do without the magical music playing box? It gave them kind
words, light, something to watch other than the other children rocking
back and forth back and forth. Wordlessly, they formed a plan together-
they would hide the Televisions, somehow. They had to. They just had to.
That night, after the carers had all left, they got out of their
cots. All the children slept in the same room, locked inside a long
concrete tunnel, with no windows.The only difference between day and
night for the children, was at night the carers weren't there.
Ignoring the hums, and the crys of the other children, Polina hobbled,
Donka crawled, Lala and Towotei walked, and all together, they slowly
pulled the four televisions of the shelves- now all they had to do was
hide the magic flashing boxes. But that was the problem, there was
nowhere to hide them- other than wire cots the room was empty.
The children looked at each other, distressed and scared. They
couldn't hide them anywhere! they couldn't even climb out of the window
to freedom, they were all too weak to climb.
But then, Donka had an idea, he looked at the others knowingly, and
put his stick-thin green-tinted fingers to his mouth.
Of course! the only place the children could ever hide something from
the other, bigger, stronger, older children was within. They had all
hidden toys by swallowing them, and choking it up later. It was
disgusting, but they lived in a disgusting place.
The televisions were only small- small enough to fit inside their
stomach, but they were still too big to eat- what would they do?
The next day a horrific sight met the
carers; the room had a heavy stench of blood, all the children were
crying and moaning as usual- all but four. In the middle of the room,
lay Polina, Donka, Lala and Towotei, they'd each clawed out their own
stomach, the blood-stained televisions sat inside their ripped out
belly's, their intestines, kidneys and other vital organs spilled out
onto the filthy grey floor, staining it red. Flies buzzed around the
room, landing on the organs and laying their eggs in them. Their hands
were all covered in blood. Under their finger nails bits of flesh were
stuck. The children's eyes were rolled back, unblinking even when flies
landed on them.  And their faces were still pulled into that smile, that
permanent smile.
The carers shrieked and fled the scene, the guilt of leading four
children- all under seven- to claw out their own stomach weighed heavy
on their conscience.
This happened in 1995, and it could of been a world-wide story, but
the Bulgarian government were careful to hide the scandal  so people
didn't know just how awful their institutions were. Very few knew the
story of the four children who scratched out their stomach, but one
person did- a creative director called Anne Wood.
You might be wondering why someone, anyone would turn such a
tragedy into a silly programme for little children- that's sick, isn't it?
The way I see it, the Teletubbies all live together in a magical dome,
they can laugh and play in the beautiful fields of Teletubbie land, with
rabbits and flowers, something they could never do when they were
trapped within the institute. I think the creator of Teletubbies wanted
to make a place were the children could be happy, a place were they
could laugh play learn and explore, and they could have tellys indented
in their stomach without dying for it.
Written by: Unknown
Date: Unknown
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